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DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout


Here are some answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions:

What are active members and inactive members?

Active members have confirmed their email address and are members of the program. Pending members have signed up, but haven't responded to the initial email. They are not members of the program and cannot earn any money until they activate their account.

Am I allowed to have more than one account?

We allow one account per household. Multiple accounts from the same household will be deleted.

How can I log into my account?

Log in at http://www.payingemails4u.com/pages/enter.php

How can I cancel my account?

Go to your User Information page: http://www.payingemails4u.com/pages/userinfo.php At the bottom of the page you will see a large box marked "CANCEL YOUR ACCOUNT HERE". Enter your password and hit the "Delete My Account" button.

How can I cancel receiving your newsletters?

Your membership in our program allows payingemails4u.com to send you email messages and advertisements. You may not cancel receiving email ads from payingemails4u.com without terminating your membership in our program and forfeiting any and all earnings. Enter your member ID and password on the main page and choose "Cancel Account".

How can I change my personal information?

Log in to your account and click the "Edit Information" link. You will be able to edit any of your information, EXCEPT your User ID.

I live outside the US, can I join?

Yes, we welcome MOST international members. You MUST be able to read English. We DO send English tests on a regular basis. Those who fail the English test are deleted. We ONLY accept members from the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States. Current members from China, India, Poland, Lithuania, Vietnam, Thailand, Iran, Iraq and Singapore may redeem earnings for ADS ONLY!

I have Web-TV, can I join too?

Yes, though some programs will not allow WEB-TV users to join their program, we welcome WEB-TV users. Our efficient tracking method allows WEB-TV users full earning privledges.

Earnings Questions

How much do I earn by participating in paid-emails?

Each advertiser pays a different amount per unique visit. These amounts change frequently so we cannot give an exact amount for each visit.

Are my referral earnings working?

Yes, it takes many paid emails received by members to have referral earnings show up, even for members that have 100's or 1000's in their downline. Referral earnings are displayed once a referred member has earned their referring member at least 1 full cent. Technically a member with 1000 referrals that have each earned him/her 1/2 cent has earned $5.00 but their earnings will not be shown until an individual member has earned them 1 full cent.

Are Points Converted to Cash?
Yes, you may convert your points to cash at a rate of 1000 pts = $0.07.

When can I request payment?

You may request payment after you have earned $3.00.

How can I request payment?

After you have earned $3.00 in your account you may request payment by visiting the "Request Payout" page from the member menu or by clicking the button on your earnings page. Your request will automatically be sent to our accounts payable department.

When am I paid?

After your payment request is made and your account is in good-standing we will issue payment to you within 30 days or a reasonable time thereafter.

How am I paid?

Payments are made via PayPal.

Referral Questions

How can I refer other members?

You may place a link with your referral url to payingemails4u.com on your website. You may add your referral url to your email signature. You can give out flyers or advertise in any way you wish except for Spamming.

What is my referral link?

Your personal referral link can be found on your referrals page.

What can I earn through referrals?

Members will earn 13% of their direct referrals earnings.

Advertising Questions

I have a website I would like to advertise, where can I find information on your different programs and costs?

Visit our advertisers section of the website for complete details. We also have monthly ad specials for members only! So don't forget to check those out!

Couple More General Questions

What if my account is "missing"?

If you are receiving a message that your Username does not exist, please double check to be sure that you have entered it correctly - remember, your Username is not necessarily your email address! After you are sure that you have entered the correct username and still receive the error message, please contact us to find the solution!

I have questions not answered on this FAQ page, what can I do?

Contact Us and supply as much information as possible so we can solve the problem in a timely manner.

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